I had to remove the info from this page, but it's all posted there. If you happen to notice any errors with these sets, please inform me so I can correct them. Don't forget to check the updates list! -This thread is split into two sections, the first for 'Full EmuFlow Covers', and the second for 'Cover Collections for Emulators with Cover Support.' -If you'd like to contribute any missing, fixed, or alternate artwork, just post it here in this thread, or PM me, and I will periodically update the sets! Files are hosted through ad.fly (only in an effort to compensate some thread hosting costs) so please remember to turn off ad-blockers, and wait the five seconds to 'skip this ad'. Name: +1000 NES Rom Pack Uploader: Skitz Size: 68MB File Type: 7z Rom Description: A Pretty decent rom pack. If enough people show interest, I may 'torrent' or otherwise upload my. You could add, say 1000 songs to a generic mp3 player, that may only. Please follow the rules of reddit Linking to copyrighted ROMs is not allowed.

That's great! But PLEASE USE SPOILER TAGS! Cover Collections for Emulators With Cover Support: Featuring Full Covers for WiiFlow-Mod -If you're going to post covers in this thread.