Title: Gender and class in contemporary South Korea : intersectionality and transnationality / edited by Hae Yeon Choo, John Lie, and Laura C.Nelson. Send correspondence and manuscripts to Katherine Lawn Chouta, Managing Editor Institute of East Asian Studies 1995 University Avenue, Suite 510H Berkeley, CA 94720 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Choo, Hae Yeon, editor. The other series include the China Research Monograph series, the Japan Research Monograph series, the Korea Research Monograph series, and the Research Papers and Policy Studies series. The Transnational Korea series is one of several publication series sponsored by the Institute of East Asian Studies in conjunction with its constituent units. Although the institute is responsible for the selection and acceptance of manuscripts in this series, responsibility for the opinions expressed and for the accuracy of statements rests with their authors. NelsonĪ publication of the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley. Gender and Class in Contemporary South Korea Intersectionality and Transnationality Edited by Hae Yeon Choo, John Lie, and Laura C.

Send correspondence and manuscripts to Katherine Lawn Chouta, Managing Editor Institute of East Asian Studies 1995 University Avenue, Suite 510H Berkeley, CA 94704-2318 USA Please visit the IEAS Publications website at for more information and to see our catalogue. Minor corrections may have been made within the text new information and any errata appear on the current page only. Notes to this edition This is an electronic edition of the printed book. INSTITUTE OF EAST ASIAN STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA In Contemporary South Korea Intersectionality & Transnationality Gender and Class in Contemporary South Korea

Maternal Guardians: Intimate Labor and the Pursuit of Gendered Citizenship among South Korean Volunteers Helping Migrant Women Diverging Masculinities and the Politics of Aversion toward Ethnically Mixed Men in the Korean MilitaryĨ. Gendered Narratives of Transition to Adulthood among Korean Work-Bound Youthħ. Leave No Birthing Trace: The Politics of Health and Beauty in the South Korean Postpartum Care MarketĦ. “My Skill”: Attachments and Narratives of Garment Workers in South Koreaĥ. Shrewd Entrepreneurs or Immoral Speculators? Desires, Speculation, and Middle-Class Housewives in South Korea, 1978–1996Ĥ. Changelings and Cinderellas: Class In/equality, Gendered Social Im/mobility, and Post-Developmentalism in Contemporary South Korean Television Dramasģ. Introduction: Gender, Class, and Contemporary South KoreaĢ.